This page contains links to musical sites which you may find useful. If you would like to suggest links to other sites, for example projects which you are involved in which may be of interest to our audience or members, please send them to
Music and events in DulwichBow repairs: Stephen Thompson - The Bowsurgery Music and the arts in SouthwarkSouthwark Council Arts Courses etcBenslow Music Trust, Hitchin, Herts, year-round short courses in music-making of all types: classical, jazz, etc. for strings, woodwind, brass, keyboard, etc. The wider worldLondon Amateur Musicians' Network (Lamnet) Making Music represents and supports amateur and semi-professional music groups of all genres throughout the United Kingdom. We provide a comprehensive range of artistic and administrative services and development and training opportunities. Making Music also lobbies on behalf of our members to national and local government and other agencies Royal Opera House YouTube Channel Society for the Promotion of New Music Founded in 1943, spnm is a membership organisation for anyone with an interest or involvement in new music. In particular spnm is committed to finding the best of the next generation of composers and has launched the careers of many of the UK's leading composers. From catwalk to concert hall, working in theatres, galleries, night-clubs, cinemas and even in power stations, spnm seeks to showcase their talents in ever-broader and more exciting environments. Tonedeaf Comics guide to Mahler Symphonies jumping off point for an unofficial round-up of the huge number of non-professional orchestras in the UK (also called community orchestras in some circles).
Charity no. 1100857